The Stepping Stones of Life

Are you living your passion or are you feeling stuck? As you move through life, you will have moments of both. You can view the process like a stepping stone path that leads you in the right direction. We are all different, and like our two diverse speakers this month, we all have something unique to share with those around us. For Swami Beyondananda, it is spiritual humor. For Meir Schneider, it is his self-healing method that helped him heal his congenital blindness.

Sometimes you might hang out on one stepping stone for a long time. Sometimes you might skip quickly from one to another. The key is learning when it is time to take the next step. I am often guided by the emotions of excitement, joy, and passion. However, other emotions, like anger and sadness, are equally important. These emotions can help me identify my blocks to moving to the next stepping stone, even when the time is right.

Lately I have been crying frequently and wanting to angrily throw things as I think of some of the unexpected changes in my life over the years. When I let myself feel these emotions without judgment, they can flow through me. I can hear the underlying stories and judgments that I am telling myself about my life. I can identify my fears and release them. When I block my emotions and don’t let myself go through this process, my emotions get stuck in my body. I feel stressed and tense.

Once my emotions have moved through me, I can see more clearly what needs to shift. I am ready to find a way to move on to the next stepping stone. I often find unexpected ways to manifest what I want.

Sometimes the process of moving to a new stepping stone is only a minor shift. Sometimes you might know for a while that it is time to shift, but the solution might happen suddenly, like my 6 month retreat. Sometimes the shift is sudden and a huge change, like when I was diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid over 20 years ago.

At the time, I didn’t realize or appreciate what was going on. However, looking back from a new perspective, I can see that the process of treating my thyroid was the Universe nudging me to a new stepping stone. I needed something to start me on my spiritual path. Once my thyroid gave me the push I needed, it went back to normal.

The doctors had a clear direct path I was supposed to follow, but that wasn’t the right direction for me. When I chose to seek out alternative treatments, I felt alone, stressed, and unsupported. My journey laid the foundation for creating Songbird as a community where people could feel comfortable exploring alternative health options. What worked for me might not work for you. Life is rarely black and white like the doctors made it out to be,

Moving along your path often involves thinking outside the box. It requires letting go of judgements about yourself and what your life should look like. It requires opening yourself up to the support that you need in any given moment. Sometimes you need humor and sometimes you need to be serious. Sometimes you need company and sometimes you need to be alone. Sometimes you need information and sometimes you need to sit and digest the options. Sometimes you need to hang out with a friend who is similar to you and sometimes you need someone who complements your strengths and weaknesses.

When you go with the flow, your life can move smoothly. I have learned to trust that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and that I will be shown my needed course corrections when I get stuck. I look forward to discovering where my stepping stone path is leading me next.