The Season of Forgiveness, Natalie Doel

Repentance reaches fullness when we are brought to gratitude for our mistakes.  – Nana Veary* In November we tend to hear a lot about gratitude due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  As awareness of the power of gratitude has increased in recent years, we have begun to hear about it throughout the year as well.  As far…

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Moving Forward from the Fires, Jasmine Gold

On the night the big fires started, there was another fire that started in a field next door to me. It could have spread like the others did, but fortunately was put out quickly. I sometimes wonder why my home was spared when others lost theirs. When I catch myself wondering this, I tell myself…

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Finding your Safe Place with Self Care!, Eoanna Passidakis

Remember when we were little and made a fort of blankies?  We knew we were safe, snug and secure.  We believed we were invisible and that magick was real, and most importantly, we knew how to have FUN! The Sonoma County fires created quiet the opposite experience.  Terror and trauma were triggered.  Adrenaline coursed through…

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Crazy or Wise?

A praying woman made out of smoke

We are showing the movie Crazywise at Songbird on May 2. The film explores mental health in the context of whether someone is “Crazy or Wise.” I have asked myself this same question whenever I get an intuitive hit of something to do. I asked it when I decided to open Songbird and attend Toltec…

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Avoid these 3 Mistakes and Improve your Back

man with back pain

Here are 3 mistakes to watch out for as you explore moving better and feeling better with your back. Mistake #1 Tight Abs Tight abs are sexy… for a moment. Admire those washboard abs, then let them go. If your habit is to suck in your gut continuously, you may be exacerbating your back pain.…

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Moody Moon Astrology: Exciting Eclipse Season

bw astrological symbol square

  Eclipses happen in Fall and Spring. Lunar eclipses often indicate a “letting go,” while solar eclipses indicate receiving something new into your life. Both are meant to shake you up a bit. Both act as new/full moons on steroids. The moon is our closest luminary and, due to its speedy orbit, has a strong…

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Consciousness and Healing: An Integral Approach

Great strides have been made in the study of whole person healthcare. Integrating body, mind and spirit has become a key dimension of health education, prevention and treatment. Despite many advances in a wide range of holistic approaches, however, our health care system remains primarily disease-centered rather than focused on the well-being of the whole…

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The Twists and Turns of Spirit

Over the last few months, Spirit has led me on an unexpected path of deciding the next steps for our store, Stones Throw. This journey is ending with the store moving to 8278 Old Redwood Highway on August 15. The story of Songbird and Stones Throw has been unusual from the beginning, and this latest…

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Great Things are Coming

On our Facebook page recently, we posted the pictured quote, “You know great things are coming when everything seems to be going wrong. Old energy is clearing out for new energy to enter. Be patient!” A lot of people shared it so it clearly resonates. What seems to be going wrong in your life and…

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