Stones Throw Blog


Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

You’ve likely heard the story that the pessimist sees the glass as half empty and the optimist sees the glass as half full. Both sides consider their opinions to be right, and the other view to be wrong. Both are judgments. I have a different take on the glass. I believe a more optimistic view…


Positive Impact Gifts

When I think of the holiday season, one of the things that comes to mind is gifts. Many of the gifts you give at this time of year are “have to” or “expected” gifts. These are gifts for people you might not know very well and the gifts tend to be quickly forgotten. Especially with…


Gratitude Gifts

The holiday season has always been a time that I focus on gratitude. I am grateful for everything in my life and especially Songbird. Recently I have been thinking about the many people who have come to Songbird and later left or changed roles. Each gave their gift and then it was time for them…


Moody Moon Astrology: November 2016

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd, while there is a new moon in Scorpio on October 30th. This is a harmonious and positive new moon with harmonious aspects both to Neptune and Mercury, making compassionate communication easier and positive emotional connections more likely.  Scorpio rules the unconscious and often repressed energies both dark and…

Libra symbol

Moody Moon Astrology: October 2016

At the fall equinox we transitioned from Virgo to Libra and “eclipse season” is officially over for the year!  In Virgo we look for flaws and details and we refine.  In Libra we become more aware and focused on relationship harmony. Mercury also ceases its retrograde movement and resumes moving forward, thank god!  Hopefully everyone’s…



There are many types of awareness that aid in our wellbeing. The Toltec path taught me awareness of the voices in my head. Feldenkrais (Awareness through Movement) taught me body awareness. Learning to stay in the moment taught me to become more aware of my surroundings. That’s why I saw this hummingbird that recently came…

man with back pain

Avoid these 3 Mistakes and Improve your Back

Here are 3 mistakes to watch out for as you explore moving better and feeling better with your back. Mistake #1 Tight Abs Tight abs are sexy… for a moment. Admire those washboard abs, then let them go. If your habit is to suck in your gut continuously, you may be exacerbating your back pain.…

bw astrological symbol square

Moody Moon Astrology: Exciting Eclipse Season

  Eclipses happen in Fall and Spring. Lunar eclipses often indicate a “letting go,” while solar eclipses indicate receiving something new into your life. Both are meant to shake you up a bit. Both act as new/full moons on steroids. The moon is our closest luminary and, due to its speedy orbit, has a strong…

rock climber at sunset time going up a mountain

Consciousness and Healing: An Integral Approach

Great strides have been made in the study of whole person healthcare. Integrating body, mind and spirit has become a key dimension of health education, prevention and treatment. Despite many advances in a wide range of holistic approaches, however, our health care system remains primarily disease-centered rather than focused on the well-being of the whole…

The Twists and Turns of Spirit

Over the last few months, Spirit has led me on an unexpected path of deciding the next steps for our store, Stones Throw. This journey is ending with the store moving to 8278 Old Redwood Highway on August 15. The story of Songbird and Stones Throw has been unusual from the beginning, and this latest…